Our story
A family is a group of interdependent people living together as a unit in a home. We believe that a business is very much the same; we may not share DNA, but we do share the same values and goals.
Bentley Crescent was established in 2017, and we organically grew in the direction of applying our financial knowledge to nurture small businesses into creating happy homes for themselves.
When systems are efficient, the accounts are clean, reporting becomes accurate, sound decisions are made, and all stakeholders can thrive.

Our values
Kindness first
The digital world we live in makes it easy to forget that there is another human being on the other side of technology. We aim to incorporate a breath of friendliness, generosity, politeness, consideration and appreciation into every interaction we have, inside and out of the workplace.
A community working together can accomplish far more than, even at their best, one person could achieve alone. We aspire to apply an inclusive approach to all we do, where every voice is heard and matters, and no person or business is too small for us.
It’s the most exciting era to work in, with an abundance of powerful software tools and apps at our fingertips. We continue to challenge ourselves by constantly evolving into finding more ways of pursuing sophistication and using software to make our lives easier.
Real Value
When meaning is attached to something, a sense of purpose is evoked. When we have a purpose, it is our natural instinct to add value; that is where the magic happens. And magic is what sparks joy in what we do.
We believe in nurturing a healthy work-life balance that promotes productivity, health and happiness. We encourage all our stakeholders to make time for leisure spent fulfilling other roles in their lives.
Meet Our team

I’m Janine, an accounting entrepreneur passionate about life, yoga, coffee and start-up businesses. While working for a start-up business, I got a real feel for the muddy trenches, blood sweat and tears through which start-ups persevere, I decided to create my own. In 2017, I started Bentley Crescent from my kitchen table, and here we are!
And so my journey to foster an accounting community, where like-minded individuals have support and can nurture their own businesses to thrive, started.
My favourite quote is, “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive, and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humour, and some style.” – Maya Angelou
Hi Everyone, I’m Gwen, the Office Administrator and Therapy Dog, where it is my job to make sure that everyone is happy, all of the time. I spend most of my free time doing singing practice (I am a choir of one) and attending my afternoon parade between 5-6 pm where I sit at the driveway gate and greet everyone returning home from work, to congratulate them on their day. I also love watching nature programmes and historical documentaries on Netflix. My best thing in the world is when mom and I go on our forest walks and road trips, especially when we get to visit the fam.

Hello, I’m Chanelle, a highly organised doer who loves connecting with people. I’m fond of nature and in my free time enjoy spending my time camping and living a balanced life exercising, walking my dogs and gardening.
My favourite quote is, “The only person you should strive to be better than, is the person you were yesterday”. – Matty Mullins
Hi there, I’m Natalie. I enjoy keeping in shape and spending quality time with friends and family. My hobbies include caring for my plants, capturing breathtaking moments, and creating art.
I love working with people and solving problems.
My favourite quote is, “Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others”.

Get in touch with us
to start your accounting journey
Email: gwen@bencres.com or send us a WhatsApp
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